Age Groups
The Age Groups are currently different for different organisations so please look at your birth year to find your group for the 2024/2025 season
U13 Trg Squad Born in 2013 or later
Team Manager and Coach: Cath Bick cbick09@btinternet.com
U15 Trg Squad Born in 2011 or 2012 U14 SW League
U15 Team Manager: Louis Mathers louismathers@hotmail.com 07827 972227
U15 Coach: Jess Canfield, Cath Bick and Jake Brazewell
U17 Trg Squad Born in 2008, 2009 and 2010 U16 South-West League (born 2009 & 2010)
U17 Team Manager: Simon Foulds pennysimon@rocketmail.com 07967 393951
U17 Coach Jake Brazewell jakebrazewell@hotmail.com 07808831983
South-West League = 8 players (any gender) - ranked in order 1-8 (8 singles matches, 1&2 doubles; 3&4 doubles)
[Shires League = 4 boys and 4 girls]
Chairperson Team Manager: Cath Bick cbick09@btinternet.com 07879 011024
Senior Teams (Born 2008 or earlier) - contact the Cornwall County Badminton Association (CCBA) for senior teams, who intend on running a Senior Second team which will be predominantly by U19 players for the 2024/2025 team
Additional Badminton Clubs:
Mounts Bay Juniors
St Austell Bay
Liskeard Inclusive Badminton
Badminton England
Check the Badminton England Find a Club website